Monday, February 20, 2012

Picture of the Day: Valentine's Dinner/Dance

My husband and I celebrated 14 years of marriage on Valentine's Day this year. Neither of us are particularly sentimental about the holiday, but when we were young and anxious to get married, and students at BYU, Valentine's Day fell on a weekend. It makes a rather convenient date to remember!
We celebrated by going to a big dinner hosted by the compound. Three bands were lined up to play while we ate food from a large buffet. We were fortunate to sit by two other very nice couples and we would have enjoyed the conversation more if the first band hadn't been so loud--not exactly the right atmosphere for romance or friendly conversation. Oh well. We did have a fun evening. The food was good. My husband looked exceptionally handsome that evening. We met some really interesting people. As Anne Elliot says in Persuasion, "My idea of good company is the company of clever, well-informed people who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company." Truth!


  1. You look so pretty! Sounds like a lot of fun.

  2. Happy Anniversary! Our 22nd anniversary was on the 16th. We celebrated with a trip to Southern California for 5 days. Not quite as exotic as the Kingdom, but it was warm and lovely.
